woman smiling in photo

Workplace giving

Workplace giving is a convenient way to support The Alliance through paycheck deductions. Learn how you can give through your workplace employer.

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Increase your impact

A convenient way to support the Colorectal Cancer Alliance is through paycheck deductions. Many companies offer workplace giving programs that deduct a gift directly from your paycheck. A few notable programs for those who wish to give through their employer are detailed below. Don't hesitate to speak with your human resources department if you're unsure whether you can give through your workplace. Thank you for your support!

For more information about workplace giving at your office, please contact our office at giving@ccalliance.org.

Government Employee Giving

CFC federal and state employees, U.S. Military members, or U.S. Postal Service employees can give to the Colorectal Cancer Alliance through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), which occurs each year between September and December. The Colorectal Cancer Alliance is a proud CFC participant member through the Community Health Charities of America. Our CFC number is 32697.

Community Health Charities

The Colorectal Cancer Alliance is a proud charity partner of Community Health Charities. Community Health Charities is a nonprofit that raises awareness and resources for health and wellness by connecting the most trusted health charities, including the Colorectal Cancer Alliance, across the United States with more than 17 million caring donors through workplace giving campaigns, causes, wellness programs, employee engagement, and strategic partnerships. The Alliance is represented by Community Health Charities in workplace giving campaigns locally and nationally, including the Combined Federal Campaign (our CFC giving code is 32697), public campaigns hosted by state and county governments, and private campaigns hosted by companies of all sizes. Look to designate a gift to the Colorectal Cancer Alliance in your workplace giving campaign to help us end colorectal cancer within our lifetime.

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Double your impact

Did you know your donation can double (or even triple!) the impact if your employer offers a matching gift program?

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